Sunday, July 11, 2010


I arrived in Morogoro on Friday night. We took a bus from Dar es Salaam and drove for about four and a half hours. The trip usually takes about 3 hours from Dar to Moro, but we got caught in some early weekend traffic on our way. The environment is so much different in Morogoro! It is very mountainous, which makes it a bit cooler than Dar, and the air is so much cleaner here. It's much less crowded and the city center is quite small - I'm at an internet cafe in the center of town now. We are staying at the Morogoro Teacher's College until Friday where we are wrapping up our orientation. The accommodation is quite different than that in Dar es Salaam.

Ayayay...there is a white woman here, probably from America because she has a southern accent, and she just popped her head into this internet cafe and screamed in english "Is Yahoo working today?!!" hahahahahaha I just burst out laughing with all the other Tanzanian customers. She's the type of American tourist I fear coming off as - she thinks if she speaks english really loud then people will understand her better, even though it's really no different than speaking softly. I'm still sitting here laughing about it as I'm typing this. That totally made my day! Haha.

When we got to Morogoro on Friday we settled into our rooms and walked to town in the complete darkness to this really good pizza and chinese restaurant called Dragonaires. It's soooooo good there! They only serve pizza on Fridays and Sundays, so we totally lucked out going there :). We came back home early and all went straight to bed because we were so tired from traveling! Yesterday we went with this guy named Bill who prefers to be called "Babu Bill" (grandfather Bill) because he's 69 years old. He's a Peace Corps volunteer who's been here in Morogoro for 20 months now teaching computer tech classes and engineering. He's an avid hiker and yesterday he took all of us up the Uluguru Mountains. We climbed alongside a really nice river the whole time and it was really nice! I got some great pictures that I'll hopefully be able to share with you all soon! Last night we just stayed in at the Teacher's College and played Bananagrams and read our books - we took the night to relax! We've been so tired lately. Today we have the morning free so we came to town and we have to be back in a little bit to get lunch at the Teacher's College.

I have to run now, but hope to hear from you all soon! Much love, Meg.

1 comment:

  1. The terrain is something else. I hope that although you are'll have a place to cool off....public pool? (tanzanian-syle maybe) safe river? small lake? :p

    Good Luck,

